Join us for a plant propagation event on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at noon, in Shasta College Greenhouse #3. We will demonstrate some easy plant propagation techniques, and prep our young plants for our upcoming Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale. Please let us know that you are coming by emailing the Chapter at shastacnps@gmail.com. Thanks to everyone for your help with growing and selling plants!
Our annual plant sales help fund many of the Chapter’s activities including scholarships, grants, programs, and the general running of the Chapter. This year’s spring sale is scheduled as follows:
Shasta Chapter CNPS Spring 2023 Plant Sale
Setup & Members-Only Pre-Sale:
Thursday, April 6: 4 to 6 PM
Public Sale:
Friday, April 7: 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday, April 8: 9 AM to 3 PM
Please help get the word out by downloading and printing our plant sale flyer, and posting it at your place of work or play! ~Susan Libonati-Barnes