2023 Election Results

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay,
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Election results are in!  The most surprising result was that our first-ever online election went smoothly.  The not-so-surprising results were that the proposed by-law revisions were unanimously approved, Amy Henderson was unanimously elected as Chapter President, Don Burk was unanimously elected as Vice President, and John Springer was unanimously elected as Treasurer. 

Although we were unable to find a willing nominee for Secretary, we received three write-in votes: one for a non-member (sorry—gotta be a member to hold office… ), one for a member who has (shockingly!) declined the honor of being our Secretary, and one for a member who we have not yet been able to track down.  We’ll keep you posted once we know more!

Many thanks to Executive Board member Analia Bertucci for managing the balloting process! ~Don Burk, Vice President